General Information
- Ideal to apply 1 gallon of product, per season; often applied in intervals throughout the growing season
- Can be applied pre-plant, at planting, during the growing season, and post-harvest
- Can be applied with most herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides
- Ideal for growers that are looking to build their soils, including organic farmers
- Available in 2.5G and 275G
Bioavailable Humics
Proprietary extraction process resulting in bioavailability and preservation of the naturally occurring microbiology.
Cost efficient – Easy to apply – Versatile for all soil types and crops!
“A quality Humic can make a huge difference. It’s important for growers to understand best results will be seen when the product is utilized as part of program versus just an application. Having promoted humics for 20 years, I can say Earthquake Liquid Humic is a true investment in the future of your soil.”